Part 25
Actually I got so many of the damn things and I just didn't want to post them all. I currently have 5 people up in Valhalla. Each gets their own report, and each report has 1-3 Items on it that you can read about. I just try to pick out any funny/interesting ones to post. If you just want to see the character reports here are the ones I took screencaps of for the last round:enigma74 posted:
I like reading those reports about the heroes you sent up to help the Aesir out. Did you not get any during the last chapter?
I forgot to get pics of Jelenda's report, but I'm sure it was just more of her
demonstrating her inability to keep her stupid mouth closed.
Yeah, I take out a lot of the conversations to keep then4 posted:
Haha, the Eir and Jun conversation is amazing. Did you leave some of the conversation out or does Jun really just answer with silence and then lose some hero value?
Eir: There you go, all done.
Jun: Thanks.
Eir: Think nothing of it. Healing is my job.
Eir: It id good to give your all, but how sad it would be to scar up such a beautiful face.
Jun: Beauty has little use in war.
Eir: That may be true, but isn't beauty preferable to ugliness?
Jun: ...
I'm such a micromanaging asshole that I just make sure I get two Braclets of Zoe and then I swap them around everytime someone is about to level.posted:
Jack Van Burace
About those Golden Eggs the bird lays - each one can be turned into a Bracelet of Zoe with the right Creation item, either the jewel or the gem.